The Sound of Elixir

In gatherings under cerulean skies, laughter spun incessantly. Remember when the cup overflowed but destiny caught it on its pilgrimage through silent homes?That night spoke volumes without uttering a single word.

Echoes, like cosmic dust, merged into a serum that faultlessly resurrected melodies lost in sleepy afternoons.

Residing solitary, the note curdled into an elixir impossible to sip without mourning—mourn for the self that ventured not to taste.

The building on Elm street—void of eyes, save for windows reminiscing tales shared in whispers—stood stoic amidst forgotten portraits of ordinary heroes.Who could ever decipher these barricades of memory preserved sans welcome mat?

And on those summit talks, when stars propelled earthly shadows into consciousness, one discovered fragments—to be read as torn pages of dream innards not rationalized but suddenly addressed anew.Echoed horizons stretching through veils of unresolved tea lounges.

Breathing might tremor within remembrance where smiles halted simultaneously in these sacred upheavals. The instant was miscalculated, yet there queued a solace drenched somehow in choiceless dawn embrace.