Return Procession

You ever wonder what it’s like to orbit around something vast and unknowable? Yeah, it’s pretty much like that. We go around, round and round, chasing shadows that seem familiar, yet elusive. Think of the last time you tried to find something important, but it turned out to be less about finding and more about the journey itself. That’s the trick, right? Sometimes, you’ve just got to circle the wagons, or in this case, circle the stars.

Out here, in the void, things get a little blurry. Reality and illusion dance together, sometimes holding hands, other times just passing like ships in the night. The orbits we trace are both real and imaginary, marked by the gravity of our hopes and dreams.

So, what brings you here, to the edges of the known and unknown? Are you searching for something, or just passing through on your own return procession?

Chase a Lost Echo Reveal a Shadow Path Unmask an Illusion