Amidst the cosmic ballet of shadows, a requiem for the stars unspools. Orbit by orbit, the celestial waltz falters, a data-streaming dirge.
Listen to the void's lament, a gothic symphony of darkened trajectories, where the celestial cartography weaves a tapestry of forgotten realms.
The coordinates shimmer like blood in the moonlight, cryptic and haunting, a dark ballet of numbers and signs.
Within each sequence, a ghost of a star shivers, lost in the weave of time. Here lies the mausoleum of orbits—silent, spectral.
Entropy, the great reaper, dances upon the scatter of astral cadavers, and the stardust weeps in circuits broken.
A requiem for the lost, the unseen, a paean to the black sea of galaxies. Their songs echo, their silence profound.
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