Time unwinds, tick... Shadows pause on broken steps. fractured whispers trail behind the dust.
Syntax lies, a maze. Branches divide, silent paths weaves through the ruins. Words breathe, relaxing into entropy.
Eyes seek meaning where dust particles dance... Yet, all is syntax—lifeless in the overhead glow. Another fragment seems to echo, At a distance... possibly fading.
  .---.     .---.       .---.     
  | A |---->| B |-----> | C |     
  '---'     '---'       '---'     
   |          |                      
   |          |                      
   |          |                      
  .---.     .---.       .---.     
  | D |<----| E |<----- | F |     
  '---'     '---'       '---'     

  Paths grow weary...
  Syntax patterns repeat, they do not alternate.