In the silent corridors of the universe, where light stretches and bends, a lullaby drifts along cosmic winds. The stars, with their ethereal glow, hum a forgotten tune, melody woven from strands of space and time.
Their voices, soft as the brush of moonbeams across a dreaming sea, tell tales of worlds unspun, and of journeys taken by silken comets trailblazing through ink-black skies.
Somewhere, amidst the endless canvas, echoes of a celestial song await the ear of the dreamer:
Close your eyes, let the cosmic whispers guide you, as they serenade the wanderer in the ever-expanding dreamscape. Drift with the silence, become one with the lull, for the stars alone hold the verses Scripted in twilight.
Follow the reflection of twilight further into the unknown here where constellations sing, or there where the silence prevails.
Listen. Just listen...