Colors gather at a secret meeting in the doodle doodle forest. Red said, "Who's been roller-skating on my apple piecloud?", while blue mumbled about mysterious times when raindrops giggled back. Yellow just sat, pondering why banana peels never really grew cool sunglasses.
Let's mix and match and maybe an accidental masterpiece might just surprise you!
Join the circle! Learn why purple once danced with orange under midnight platypus moons!Once upon a doodle, green won a staring contest against a very tricky pickle. Meanwhile, beige, feeling a bit left out, chose to ride a dragon made entirely of Rorschach tests. "Next stop, Topsy-Turvy town, where colors collude and penguins prance!" announced Magenta.
Where did you leave your rainbow socks? Scribble Scramble Scoot! Why is turquoise singing to a watermelon?