Welcome to the Whispering Network

The utmost secrets of our sacred society lie beyond these electronic thresholds. If you wish to venture further, you must first complete the prescribed ceremonies - each dodging sanity, and perhaps, meaning.

Ritual #473: The Dance of The Unsync'd Modems

1. Gather two modems manufactured before 2001. Connect neither to the internet. Let them exchange silent dialog to mirror an ancient, forgotten art form. Interpret their flashes like constellated prophets.

Ritual #891: The Chant of Browser Tabs

Open no fewer than twenty browsers simultaneously. Open unto the wisdom of scrolling, slowly, deliberately, through each tab's endless scroll. Your endpoint is an un-booked vacation destination in a town that perhaps exists only in myth.

With every step, remember: reality is but a reflection in the mischievous programming of shared hallucinations.

Should boredom possess thee, consider a diversion: Insert Coin Continuities or consult the archives on the Retro Light.