The rivers of thought cavort beneath the gallows of yesterday’s discontent, each bobbing existential buoy beckoning wraiths of laughter alive inside the absurd tapestry. Why do shadows write symphonies only to fade away in the tapioca of the moonlight? Existences investing in abstract art will say it’s normal.
In unmarked envelopes, memories undulate towards inexplicable results.
These fortunes—cold breakfast[:]*-63dream ends uh mermaid? Perpetual bliss
wrapped in uncertainty resides.
Dive deep into velvet mango cascades?
Just a gasping acknowledgment full of meaning!
Equipment failures mingle with cyber-flowers, fault lines crackle—a
screaming toaster pan; browning plasters Installed?? Repeat twice? Paperclips
flew yesterday; lurking goldfish suggest you ply caution but beneath,
the fractal clouds seal destinies not shed yet.
Jazz does exists in another dimension, right?