Waves of Whispering Thoughts

Drift in the ether, currents of twilight peel
Shadows linger on the fringes - whom do we conceal?
Melodies serpentine, symphonies unheard,
Tongues twist and untwist; whispers are the birds.

Disperse into the static—the vacuum sings, derides.
Flowing frames encased in electric dreams collide.
If the ocean’s ink should spill its secrets on the page,
Would that time retract, reside in like a cage?

A labyrinth awaits - to wander without moor.
The edge of reason yields to waves, let thoughts explore.
Navigate to Echoes, or return to Shadows,
The currents shift direction, haunting echoes of our past throes.

Candles burn in silence—a guide for the lost;
The rhythm beats softly—a questioning at what cost.
If eternity embraces, would it cloud or clear the sky?
To plunge into the depths - learn the art of bye and hi.