Time, a frayed thread woven through the cosmos,
Sparks of stars born in forgotten corners,
Ephemeral, like fireflies caught in the long sigh of night.
It glides on slippery scales, elusive as dreams,
Our footprints barely making an impression on its eternal drama.
Echelons of moments hover — fragile yet heavy,
Collision of ages etching themselves upon my psyche,
The unspoken, lurking in the mind like shadows rounds —
A melody unheard forging pathways between heartbeats.
What is to drift through this fabric? I ask, with a tattered wandering soul,
Cloaked in whispers of yesterdays never quite ours,
Snatched from ambition’s grasp, scattered across the silence.
Come forth and play — touch the spectrum unveiled!
Your choice can spin multiverses into dance,
A beggar’s curation of chaotic art beyond the forbidden memos of history!