In the stillness of a serendipitous dawn, stars whisper the secrets they have forgotten. Sometimes, when the night stretches wide, these voices curl beneath our thoughts like tendrils of vapor.
We gather in the solace of tales about solitude set against a wild canopy of cosmos. Voyagers feel it too, tracing old lines with trembling fingers.
Silence drapes over everything we see—an unseen lullaby sung by the universe, lingering long on our brimming chests.
Look to the skies, and find not just stars, but spaces—empty, waiting, wistful.
Seize a moment of quiet there, beneath our ever-stretching dreamscape: a solitary constellation wrapped in golden night. And maybe it **listens** to your unvoiced thoughts...
Take a breath then follow those luminous silences, deeper into the eternities we yet do not know.
Endings, beginnings, and the whispers between them all seek equilibrium, as every constellation longs for its own kindred light.