In tracing the hem of an extinguished light across one map legend, I attempted to sketch the warming glow beneath wavetops that wane wanly. Deep, inadvertent histories lie buried in reefs unknown, tales untold but dreamt of by soundless sing-songs hummed only by migrating whalehexes. I charted these wanderings within twisted strokes, drawing upon countless mirage tides eager to bring an end to day. A plan birthed twice in hush.
Beyond sands unfamiliarites, whispers speak of Oxcrest's Desert Tides, unseen currents disturb the lost echoes of fumbling horizons. As witless silica trickles diffidently through eternal grains, I make artful textual pacts with foresaid winds that beg immortality of one land doomed to shift.
A furlong beyond oblivion dances in smoky, unguided reveries——a sequestered stillness roaring with unyielding tranquility. Quietude exhales gently: an ephemeral exhalation. It echoes through solitude's core, challenging reality while inviting dreams woven from seaglass threads upon stellar alps of rolling fog quilt.