In the chime of crystalline whispers upon the ether's wave,
shorelines sing their fractal dirges.
The once - sea chariot roams beneath and rides
the whisper of psalms sung by salinated breeze.
Transcendence found its way threaded through the decay,
bearing silent witness to the dance of cosmic fluid paths
quivering with enigmatic solitude.
A procession of forgotten tomorrows, exiled on brisk sands
– alone, microbiages upon minutiae Nodes.
The pulse of cerulean mirrors ages lost – <
etched through semblance, corresponding dreams
in allegories written upon prisms, captured – shifting kin.
Anchor not your heart, gentle believer, in eonian intoxications.
Navigators skate horizons built beyond sepulchral falls,
slipshod across fated prisma in the whisperwind's carousel.
Follow the tide within:
through shimmering finishes,
whose clefs riddle sandshell veins.