i gaze  ∀  through tendrils of = understanding
handshakes σ within currents and
question whether &radic(i^2 + j^2) + or the
whispers define infinity?  ay, ∀ shadows ÷

Wander, the velocity of curious
φ(X) q ∨ ℝ
...over waves unseen →


thoughts collide ∇
like sky = chained decisions.
Multiply wisdom and folly ∧spinning, perpetual.

Something scuttles;γ the depths' blind echo |um + encapsulated in mystery
but beneath it all ∃ strange certainty. Each bubble in time ∈ with secrets: turn again →

orbit but below the
Δ contact with ∴ truths &nvrangle;≡ possessing ((intent)^natural) & eternal flow.

ω instincts ripple become clarity ≅→← delves...