In Echoing Waves

Laughter echoes, reverberating in the empty vastness,
infinite tickles of waves collide—timeless
Sumptuous Adagio, cascading in vortices,
settling into the dawn’s fragile hold.

Each ripple a fractal
of forgotten dreams, interwoven
with moonlit aspirations.
Celestial dance ignites, and hem fall detached
embracing non-Euclidean curves of thought.

Seraph dance intangible
carried over breadth of wind-altered fragments,
skeins of existence whispering enigmatic scriptures.

And ubiquitous is hilarity,
joyous anomalies conspire quietly,
around edges of the perceivable;
Feel acutely the aroma of laughter,
a floral mystery to self ignites
sparkling as prose jigsaw.
Curious Dreams

Through the Curtain