The Enigmatic Theory of Ether

A whisper spins where no horizon dared before, an unfurling crease in cosmic parchment—
behold the ecstatic corral of scintillating quintessences. Do they not, o gentle sage,
caress the realms of moonlit daggers and reverberating secrets spun from astral silence?

Ether embroidered our cosmos, oh tender veils of skewed perceptions... innumerable as the stars sleeping within the dust, those dust-backed waltzes traced across the luminiferous ether, unraveling sins of light, thoughts echoed with enthusiasm misled.

And what of progress? Is it a solitary figure wandering amidst shattered horizons?
Foliage conscripted against warmth of forgotten chalices... we, too, sip ether, unaware boundlessness encircling destitution like an ancient chord swimming within silent sinews.