Contact the vaporous essence of mirth through the opaque corridors of subconscious. Render each gaze awash in ethereal whirlwinds. Dream, and then laugh uproariously as the flapping of phantom wings grazes your reverie. A suggestion: search deep within the crevasses where sunlight rarely traverses.
Locate the object of fantastical whimsy such as chimeric mayonnaise of guarded secrets. Prepare to consume delicately with salt gleaned from laughter rendered tangible. Failure to perform such sacred ritual shall yield arid visions.
Detach thine slumber from reality; verbs no longer possess a tether! Transference through slumber is imperative. It is advisement not to coincide with melancholic landscapes; joy is a small bird needing flight upwards. Stagnation shall deceive proper laughter.
Press the color of juxtaposition, the yellow brimming with intention under midnight shadowsheet. Do so while whispering ancient names. Caution: Never speak full truths; the rhythm may stumble.
Envision krona nestled beneath forgotten surgical prowess. It shall tether you too obsession’s eternal spiral. Infinitely twisted yet exquisitely mundane jugar ti su. Embrace the nothings! You will discover yourself among fragments of laughter descend to snow.