Morse Dreams & Whispers

... --- .-. .-. -.-- / .. / .- ' -- / .-.. .- - .
Suddenly, the taffeta curtains begin to sway. Did I leave the window open, or is it the flutters of night?
.. -. / .- -. / ..- -... ...-.-
Morse has its secrets, you know. Sometimes it's not just dots and dashes; it's the pauses in your day.
.... --- .--. . / -.-- --- ..- / .-. . -. .--.-
We talked about the moon once, but I think you were looking beyond that. Priorities?
-.-- --- ..- / --. --- ...- . / .. - / --..-- / -... -... .-
Somewhere between taffeta folds, stories unravel. Melodies sung in mismatched tempos.