The Invisible Chronicle of Stirred Quills

In a secluded corner of the world, the old quill makers of Carroth have begun to stir the pots of history. Their ink, as transparent as the silence that engulfs the past, whispers tales untold. Revelation awaits.

The quiet of the market square was deceiving to those unfamiliar with the rhythm of the city. At noon, it breathes a sigh, waiting for the collectors of stories and secrets. Secrets Unveiled.

The stirrings of the quill, they say, echo in the chambers of forgotten lore. The archives, dust-laden yet lively, guard the fragments of dialogues held in the night. Discover more here.

Beyond the fog of memory, the inkless stories linger on the lips of the elders, who recount the fables to the walls, their witnesses. Visit the Past here.