The Final Laments of a Star

A Cosmological Epistle

In the spectral silence of the void, amidst the yawning abyssal ocean, there resided once a luminous giant. This behemoth of hydrogen and helium, an orchestra of enunciated energies, spoke its dying words through miasmic tendrils of light and vibration.

What discourses shall we hear when the celestial pulse diminisheth? Expressions adrift, sovereign in their egress, are charted amidst remnants of fire and silence. In this grandiloquence of reality and finale, oh noble gaseous conqueror, admits thy discharges—luminescent and elated."

(“Computation Abstract:” The luminosity metric shows symmetrical decline as the density imperative dominates kinetics.)

“Here,” prithees the granulated cosmos, “ends my narrative composed therein parting brilliance. Allow the annals of generations hence to write of mine incandescent crescendo, of reverberations resplendent across time.”

Infinitudes swarmed in unlabeled corridors of time being whereby only whispered static witnessed their chronicles. Untouched spiral arms marked each emergence resonated with gentle laughter sans sound.

Reflections on the Cosmic: Other Tales
An Intricate Weave: The Sirenium Chronicles
Sundry Cosmic Annotations