Sonic Enigmas

whispers through the static

In the clamor of radiowaves, thoughts mesh—

intertwined echoes of dreams not proclaimed, seeking form in the tangled web of consciousness.

“Do you hear them?” she murmured, eyes closed, in reverie.

Possibilities, like particles awaiting collision at the fringes of understanding, hover close.

Memories, perhaps borrowed, from the aubergine twilight, seep into perception.

Conduits of thought, invisible threads knitting and unraveling, unravel and knit.

the pulse of forgotten frequencies

Intermittent bursts of clarity amidst the cacophony—

the universe resounds with riddles unsolved, demanding attention, yet eluding grasp.

“Listen. Not with ears, but with the mind.”

Tuning in to the unheard symphony, where each note dances both intimately and distantly.

Through the doorway of sound, a specter beckons, whispering secrets of ages.

Beyond your touch, a tapestry woven with strands of time, longing, lost.

discover | dreams