Scraps of Entropy

We exist in a world unbounded, where remnants of thought collide like particles in the void. The fabric of reality, a cloak woven from the extensive threads of entropy, reveals the ugliest truths: anonymity in the crowd, silence in the cacophony of existence.

Consider the shadows that dissolve beneath the weight of time. Each drop of rain, a whisper from the cosmos, spiraling into the abyss of forgotten ideals. Clocks tick in vain, counting not the moments but the echoes of what could have been. Explore more.


In a place where time is obscured, a stray cat carries tales of lost futures.

To understand chaos, one must embrace the absurdity of order. Each system collapses under the weight of its design, revealing insights masked by the mundanity of daily life. Journey further.

What remains? Bits and pieces of consciousness: echoes of laughter clash with weeping’s sweet symphony. Scarred landscapes bloom where the ashes of intention scatter. Transformation is inevitable; yet, do we acknowledge it? Dive deep.