
Data Stream A

The whispering curtain rends. Blissful fractals weave spacetime's garble, constructs curvillinear pathways lined with evocative prose.

  • Flickers encapsulate shadows, unseen yet felt, transient.
  • An echo reverberates, symphonic yet solitary in its call.
  • The olives of remembrance taste sour.

— blink, breathe,
daedalic pathways merge with silence.
In serrated loops we hang.


Data Stream B

Dichotomous memories flutter bat-like in the alcoves of subconscious halls.

  • The sublime garden's phantom petals drift beyond infinite borders.
  • Bleakly ornate, it murmurs in monochrome.
  • Mirrors play tricks in a never-traversed corridor.

— here the compass spins aimlessly,
an eddy in the stochastic dance of fluttering paper wings.
