Silent Corners

Reflections in Whispering Dark

In every towering city, beneath luminous arches, there lives the untouched quiet. Murmurs float beneath the din, like cryptic whispers from the void.

A lone figure walks the fragmented streets. All their expressions have melted into that which is unspoken. Faces known to none, mere shadows cast aside.

Do the streetlights know they flicker for the unseen?

The unwritten paths bind the ordinary to the extraordinary: a touch of the ethereal within the mundane. Listen closely—can you hear it too? The assurances of silence, holding secrets buried deep.

Become aware of the pattern. In the hustle's cacophony, there lies the tranquility. The shadows stretch long near the sundown, yet, in the corners, they remain forever still.

Beyond Shadows
Echo Effect
A Darker Multiverse