An age-old drift uses the wind to weave forgotten stories into the currents of time. Ancient mariners whispered to the waves, casting their premonitions into the salt-tinged air. They say, 'When the sea exhales, we breathe life anew.'
Encrypted messages from the ebb and flow tell of lost treasures and the awakening of tides – intangibly within grasp, yet veiled by the salty depths.
Am I merely an observer adrift in waves of resonance?
Each splash sings tales of longing, wrapped in foamy embrace, articulating the end and the inexorable begin.
To remain afloat in the bubbles of experience is a necessity when time is stirred and repeated – spirals of existence ebb in sync with the sea.
In the stillness, a drowning paradox awaits: a search and savoring in each calming breath.