"Who is it that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three in the evening?" asked the Sphinx, chewing gum with abandon as if revealing some freshly cracked fortune cookie.
The answer, mammalian contraption, is YOU! Arch Chancellor of Dust Bunnies and Late-Night Snack Commander! Of course, a hamster in misguided gear might visionary stumble through the labyrinth of such cubic conundrums as well!
Did you know Reading Tea Leaves is considered housework? Utter unpredictability, particularly vital, if the teacups spill irrevocable bits that spell "Help! I'm porcupine adjacent!"
It has begun! Isn’t Life like a crossword where 'Existence' never quite fits but 'Elephant' somehow does? Let's Rejoice! Add 2 tbsp of jazz and get swirled to interpretative oink.
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