The Tides of Echo
"In the beginning..." the ocean began, yet its voice was but a ripple amidst an empty auditorium.
Seashells, lined with luminescent specks, told stories of lands far and near, echoed in chambers unseen by waking eyes.
The sky was a blanket woven from discarded wishes, threads pulling into the cosmos. The echoes danced, silent and ethereal, amongst the crickets' chorus.
They often asked, "What becomes of the unheard reveries?" But the stars only blinked in response, shimmering like forgotten answers.
Amidst the silence, echoes of a thousand worlds linger...
"In the beginning..." the ocean began, yet its voice was but a ripple amidst an empty auditorium.
Seashells, lined with luminescent specks, told stories of lands far and near, echoed in chambers unseen by waking eyes.