Whispers of a Celestial End

"As I collapse inward, a cascade of energy and matter entwine, sublimating into nebulae that will twinkle in an expanse as my quintessence rests..."
"I was once the nucleus of worlds, the ancient thermonuclear furnace. Is the echo of gravity a valid thought, or merely the silence between my hypnotic oscillations announcing entropy? Each compression a farewell..."
"Reflect upon the atomic dance, each particle biting its neighbor in turbulence and protest. My radiation will haunt spaces between others—conscious echoes ceaselessly exploring."
"In the wormholes of perception lies the heart of consciousness: merely photons aflame, geometries refracted through time's lens, embracing the quasar that punctuates the dark."
"Around me spirals the cosmic ballet. Stars share tales in incredulous wavelengths, their whispers akin to dying breaths soaring amongst the galactic winds of my fading."