Quantum Quiescence: Silence at the Edge of the Multiverse

What is this Quietude?

In the absence of presence, can one be? Caught in the quantum state, I ponder.

Pause and Reflect Portal to Mushroom

Epiphany of the Entangled

Professor Quibble: If a tree falls in a quantum superposition, does it win?
Assistant Pluck: Only if it applied for tenure in both realities at once.

Exit Thought Process

The Disaster of the Thought Implant

The philosopher's stone saw not, neither did it hear, quantum goo left on its desk.

Irony's Plight Picnic of Whimsies

Temporal Transmission Error

Sky Muse: Behold! The clock ticks backward.
Ground Groan: Alas, the appointments, vacuumed by spacetime!

Chronos's Fallacy Snapping of Axons