In many ways, the unseen constitutes the very essence of our reality. One must wonder, do shadows have existence in the absence of light, or are they mere façades, adhering themselves to our visions like unwelcome ghosts?*¹
Consider the hidden spectrums, perceive the whispers of atoms dancing just out of reach. The observer's eye sees only the veil; beneath lies the truth submerged, akin to an iceberg, with most of its mass lost to view beneath cold waters.*²
Link your perception along the apparent corridors of life, doorways labelled with understanding but opening to more doors, ad infinitum. Are we not then runners in a hall of mirrors, seeking the one true reflection among countless duplicates?*³
Alas, through cracks unseen do the fissures of lax reality show, tracing our hidden selves like roots beneath the surface reaching desperately for lifeblood.*⁴