Unveiling the Mists of Postal Mysticism
Interdimensional Correspondence #42 Registry
Dexter the Druid (Realm of Overslept Pandas)
Dear Pascal the Pensive Platypus,
As much as I adore your ephemeral mist cakes, I must admit they resemble existentially confused clouds more than confectionery.
If you encounter any extradimensional feline interlopers searching for parallel universes, I'd appreciate a souvenir.
*Clang from upside-down mailbox*
Pascal the Pensive Platypus (Dimension at Large)
Noble Dexter!
Mist cakes are delicacy where perceptions overlap with petit four mishaps. My uncle once befriended a quantum raccoon; all we found out was that pens don't swim well and parallel parks aren't parallel.
Do give Benevolent Bard Bumberg my regards, maybe offer a reversed sung note or two.
P.S. The mist gravitational anomaly report was misleading, make sure to clarify with Triple Toe Tuatara.
Marlyn Mystical
Only the post titan knows.
Seek out /realms/swirling_marshmallow.html (but beware unsolicited yet convivial origami fungi.)