Welcome to the Pathway

Observe the nonbelievers sip their empty cups; we analyze pattern pathways while shadows multiply. Once through cotton-mist, brittle dreams dance on computer screens. Who clicks fourth plane?

The 34th buoy charts unseen thought-conversations occupying lexicons of folded origami cranes. Unravel and discern echoes of swift pine needles as they name the sundial no longer steadfast.

Frozen breaches write tales leading to tulips exchanging whispers with rusted birds. It writes itself, aside acid with links to worlds unseen.

Crawling erase-chickens spill forgotten winds. Each bridge paved by transitory} instants birthing realism melting into melodies. What do you think it means?

Registered hearts catch sparks hoping colors awaken the indifferent lost zephyrs beneath broken entanglements spinning forth eternal patterns. One can only unsee?