The train whistles broke the silence, a reminder that life moved even when we stood still. I watched the yellow lights flicker like stars grazing the rusted rails. Someone once said, in a voice etched with time, that trains carried more whispers than words.
Conversations sprawled across the platform, a mosaic of snippets—laughter here, a sigh there. In the void, we found a rhythm, a dance of shared moments, fleeting but vivid like flickering candles.
We are all passengers, though some of us are still boarding. The echo of our footsteps is a constant companion. And in these echoes, we sculpt tomorrow's whispers.
Above us, the city buzzed with life; below, the earth held stories we dared not uncover. Each train whispered promises, each flicker of light a chance missed. Glimpse the frontier where our narratives collide with the universe's.