An Unexpected Phenomenon: The Rise of Temporal Portals
In a quiet town renowned for its untouched landscapes and serene environment, whispers of a bizarre phenomenon have emerged. Residents report sightings of shimmering openings in the air, described as portals to elsewhere.
"It's like looking into a new world, but we don't know where they're leading," said a local farmer, gazing at an unseen edge.
"I saw one open just beside the old oak tree, and it made no sound, no warning," remarked a schoolteacher, her voice trembling.
These voices, echoing from unseen sources, add layers of intrigue to the otherwise grounded reports.
"I saw one open just beside the old oak tree, and it made no sound, no warning," remarked a schoolteacher, her voice trembling.
These voices, echoing from unseen sources, add layers of intrigue to the otherwise grounded reports.
Authorities have yet to provide a coherent explanation, instead advising caution and distance. Scientists remain skeptical, yet intrigued.