In the primordial theater, where the stage is boundless and the curtain of water paints the horizon, there exists a melody untranslatable yet reverberating in echoes that endure time. The Fishsong of epochs past, it lures the ear of the wanderer astray, its seductive harmonics defying linguistic cages...

1. Open the sacred text with an engaging exertion of the wrist, ensuring the festooned cover's clasp has been relinquished. Beware, for it is said that unconsidered tampering results in fugacious disturbances of aziatic quantum proportions.

2. As inscrutable as the nebulae overhead, locate the glyphic annotation pertaining to piscine vocalization. It shall resemble a spiral coiling thrice; superstitious accounts dictate resonance with the third spiral segment corresponds to lunar cycles. Align accordingly.

3. The decipherment is not for the faint; utterances must be relayed verbatim, adhering stringently to syntax that would befuddle a proficient herald of past dynasties. Record interpretation attempts in the designated matter log, labeled: Not Our Mistake.

4. If metaphoric depths call the emboldened individual, the output procedure calls for junctures where the refrains shall interlace with regional dialects of Atlantean origin. Expect verbosity and bewilderment as by-products. No refunds.

Enter the Thought Labyrinth