The Origin Point
"You'd think we'd find a different route, wouldn't you? Back at the fork, back before this, there have to be other options."
"Here we are again, the same spot, the same conundrum. It's like deja vu, looping us, circling like a dog chasing its tail."
"Why is it always this way? You make one choice, and all you see are the consequences of not making another."
Sometimes, it feels like your choices echo in a cavernous hall, bouncing back with dissatisfaction, reiterating mistakes undone and decisions unmade.
Mundane dialogues play like a broken record, each line a reminder of decisions past, present, and future, all converging to an origin point that seems perpetually just out of reach.
Consider this an exploration of our repeated selves, the looping echoes of past promises or futures we dared to envision once but forgot to follow through on.