Phantom Parameters

What whispers when signals curl into fragments, only to mask silence
in the semblance of twisted rhythms? Unseen echoes await
understanding beneath lost cosmic dust swept within wind-trodden paths.

Conjoin this thought: if nature billows aloud through arbitrarily
compiled noise, does life map its own essence across
incomprehensible fissures forth mid static's gentle chaos?

Can silence, then, compile a symphonic dance hitherto unheard,
within boundaries unraveled and drawn both boldly reckless and artfully
cautious? The transient junctures form a tapestry
eerie yet inviting, mesmerizing chaos whistling truths
elusive yet near.
☄️ static. flux. reverberate. ☄️

Ghost chatter over light paths.
Whisper tunes at none crossings.
Drift decibels into perception tomorrow.