Galactic Horizons

"She questioned the void, contemplating if it whispered back or... left her spinning, caught in logs of dreams golden round again."
"Do black holes remember? I could swear there was a name... how far can stars journey from their original light?"
"Tiny grains of stardust in-between, swirling in atmospheres unbending. Look closer – can’t you see it?"
"If destinies collide, will they splinter? Remember what you said to the comet passing through your sleep?"
"In dreams, I rode the solar winds, using yesterday's tales as steed, galloping toward the humor in absurdity."
"Across an expanse blue-kissed, caressed by sunlit secrets; have you ever dived into the spawn of a supernova?"
Explore Token Chapters to unravel cryptic fragments or » hover over Whispers of the Void whisper in secrets scattered amongst the light.