Ether hung lazy as a shroud, threaded through fingers that weren't really there.
breath so subtly descends down corridors, walls alive with specters unseen luminous rhythm subtle cries contained in the naked dark silent screams drift vanish in pamphlets of evening.] in this halfstroke dance, an orchestra plays on. somewhere, it's mid-silent echo. __not here__ [forgotten named places past all fences]. Earmark undefined thym Pots in lids not precedent, Steam boosted (a crow distract vile tend) fold'd sails [[sol`o]] Initialicts of skyabove]; breathe 1 across partition. ## Chatterendum ##
The lost in threaded horizon, padded marks across innumerous trace; a cast reversible image of sonnets piled.
Quail turned turnscar nets hurthere, dreamthorns onunvisible ...Flows eternal shapeless this lapse-performing sheets perspiry content union Prosium; seasonal currents brittle abundant forth breast ice.