Nebulae Silhouettes

First, align your thoughts with the drift of cosmic embers. The nebulous shadows burn brightly, yet dimly, in the fabric of silence. Observe how outlines speak in whispers around the stardust corners.

Next, unfold the layers of shadow, peel them back endlessly. Each layer reveals another mystery, like peeling the skin from an orange only to find another orange within. But beware! The orange could be disillusionment, the seasoned gravity of wisdom.

Do you hear the songs of the nebulae? They are not songs but equations, symphonies of quantum locked within the dark matter tides. Decode them, and you’ll find time’s bend, a silhouette that never was.

Accumulate these silhouettes, categorize them by essence, by presence. The unseen becomes seen, if only for an instant, if only for today. Take note, for the universe craves its history, spun from the threads of chance and chaos.