Ye cosmic concoction of wheat and whimsy! Baker, beware! The universe whispers secrets** woven into flour, the gravity of berries stained with the hue of forgotten stars. Have we not tasted the ambrosia of ancient celestial beings through the humble muffin?
A singular protrusion of matter, comprising unfathomable intentions from above: berries of judgment grappling with the sugar of fate. Layer upon layer of consciousness folds into a vorfreude that tickles the taste buds of existence.
Canst thou digest thoughts crafted of division, or assimilate sweet conundrums in crumbly hues? With each bite, a question unfolds— a revolution triggers within the oven of your mind, an uprising amidst the yeast rising on the horizon of understanding.
What sustenance shall we seek but that which lets our imaginations rise as the dough does? Let it be an echo of the cosmos—a muffin, infused with dreams shaped by stars, a testament to ephemeral flavors. Indulge in this true paradox!