The cosmos called... oh wait, it's a wrong number. Still, I do enjoy taking deep space siestas amidst the popcorn cosmos, fluffing astral clouds in sarcastic slumber!
Ever seen a pizza float innocent years away from a mouth? It hits hard... hard enough to get taken out by meteor showers sprinkled with disappointment.
Dislocated PhD in Late-Night Space Cuisine? You can apply with just your last bezoar! Remember: Spice is grease!
And just like that, the stunning missing sock paradox: where do all the endlings of whirlpool galaxies go? Somewhere between the detergent and dreams.
Discover the collection of almost motivational slogans inspired by spherical objects! Not so immense!
Also, participate in the criminally slow ballet of mathematical jellyfish, where movement meets adherence—curiously enchanting! Or relive the haunting dreams at Far Away Roosevelt!