It’s a night. The moon is smiling at spirals, twisting sounds,
balloons made of thoughts, wandering glimmers bounce!
Do you hear that? The beneficial poisonous noise,
whispering sweet secrets under the rests of fables.
Gather your wishes like dandelion wishes;
they float gently on a breeze of dreams, unwrapping smiles.
Explore the whimsical silence awaiting you
A ladybug steals your laughter,-
And nobody says a word about it!
Running shoes of leaves, clashing with hidden sounds,
A transfigured painting distorting behind the colors!
Where does the descent curve and tangle into honey?
Ask a dreamy glance, hidden in the curves of dew!
Follow the shining route to the glittering stars
Frolic into upside-down echoes
You are the dance, have your feet dream in blurs!
Join the moonlit descent, forever a slumbering sight.