Every blink feels like a second slipping through your fingers. I ponder if I have ever truly stepped foot into the light. A half-lit passage, where beams of doubts weave between the shadows of certainty. Where do these grumbled whispers lead? They hum a tune only the ghosts recognize. In the distance, echoes of laughter that tastes distant, like shadows adorned in calico coats.
“Am I addressed as lost or found?” sputterings of heat within me flare up. What once seemed clear resolved into a mass of rotating enigmas. The drip of time unwinds like a frayed thread, each movement searching for a hook yet unable to catch. Are they sighs or silences that align with thoughts gone astray?
The scent of rust tickles the air. No exit, just an endless loop, tugging at my memory's seams. Beneath these layers of hesitation lies a trapdoor crafted by whims of oblivion. Up ahead, the pathway shimmers in anticipation, yet so multifaceted, in complexity despair escapes the map of my mind.
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