The maze winds, hidden within its passages the whispers of those who traversed it long ago.
Move forward, and the walls do not change but it is us who shift under their gaze.
You see them—the shadows of purpose—fading as you consider each turn.
An Overgrown Path: "Nothing is ever as it seems at first glance."
Beneath it, there's a.... Whispering Leaf: "Chase the unseen."
Your greatest rival: Parallel Lines: "Perhaps it'd be easier to just follow..."
Encountered a Barrier: "Sometimes, retreat is the better strategy."
A brick slips, revealing a serene Glint Recess: "A moment of stillness beckons."
Revelatory Void: "Does a maze contain an end, or is it the means that matter?"
Press a switch to unveil potential paths ahead.
Read the upcoming echoes from past explorers.
Maps of the abandoned and the always-green.