In the garden of midnight whispers,
where lunatic lettuce grows,
dreams forgotten swirl like autumn leaves.
Beneath the silver gaze of a waning moon,
the shadows dance with tender madness.

Echoes of laughter ripple through silence,
a melody captured in dew-drenched petals.
Here, the boundaries of reason blur,
yielding to the sweet sigh of twilight dreams.

Wander through the maze of thought,
where every corner holds a fragment
of a story untold, an idea adrift.
Embrace the harmony of chaos,
a serenade of forgotten truths.

Follow the whispers Nebula Symphony

The stars, like scattered secrets,
rest upon the horizon,
waiting for the dawn to paint them white
against the canvas of the waking.
But for now, we linger, suspended, in the lunatic's garden.

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