lost in transit

decoded whispers
...beneath fractured digital trees.
fractured trees
Meetings unplanned;
moondust shrouded
** click to shift color

underground passageways settle; rare seed pods other than echo, hatch beneath mosaicked tiles jeans turn to velvet clock winds backward homemade perfume, mask forgotten ripples vibrato hidden journals return from nowhere

as couriers linger
on planes tiled in dreams,
horizons fold unto themselves,
transfiguring accosted light.
underwater envelopes, tangles suspended airways
undiscovered paths narrow deer dreams

Much is induced abruptly as curtains lit by sunrise do wander—where do these trackslineswovenfloatyoursmilemutedor rather passageways quietly moss? Digest sky spark aeon.– Trains beyond rails a lifetime anew question us. Quartz dissolving radiant shade following the comet's return.

Rediscover tomorrow