Out beyond the whispers, there lies a circuit of dreams where thoughts unfurl in shimmering paths...
A lone comet hones in on reflections of transient stars, yearning to merge with the great void.
You may understand, or perhaps... not. What trembles in the ink at repose
Here, a dialogue with shadows that dance, weaving verbs with contemplative pauses, lulled by the caress of an unseen whisper.
An intersection of memories: obsolete and unclaimed, where echoes of laughter from a forgotten era punctuate the silence.
Is it the scent of violets unwavering in a spectral breeze, or the soft chants weaved through time?
...moments strum the inner lyres, each note a revelation in the mosaic of dusk...
Tendrils of thought prime for unveiling—a journey over the edge of vivid despair leading to untouched meadows.
Comprehension lies dormant, cradled within the nebula of the psyche’s loops.