Echoes in the Glass

You are not alone in this room, nor have you ever been. These walls, once silent, now hum with forgotten songs— tunes of yesterday's dreams that linger like mist at dawn.

A name murmurs from the shadows. Is it yours, or perhaps someone you once knew? In this mirror, reflections fracture into a hundred pieces, each holding a memory you don't recognize. Can you hear the laughter, the weeping, the endless conversations that never seem to finish?

The glass remembers. It remembers moments that slipped through your fingers like water through a sieve, moments where your gaze caught another pair of eyes not your own, gazing back with a look of knowing, longing, regret...

Here, in the echo, where every moment loops back upon itself, shadows dance in tandem. They sway to the rhythm of a heartbeat you cannot feel, but somehow recognize.