Ah, the Floating Fields of Flapdoodle: Home to the world's largest collection of uncontainable farts. The air here is literally full of hot air currents, often mistaken for ethereal beings having an impromptu hot-air baby shower. Travelers are advised to wear sturdy sandals as wisps of wind have been known to steal hats and dignity alike.
In the shadow of the Mountains of Misplaced Mirth, find the picturesque yet perpetually surprised village of Glumville. Cartographer’s Note: Despite their name, the Miridian Peaks refuse to take a photograph without first altering their angles—beware sharp over the top expressions when asked ‘how high?’ and directionally challenged humor.
Along the banks of Weeping Willow's Wail, a river famous for its sob stories more than its splashes, lies the town of Puddlejumptopia. Do note, it’s unpolite to step on the decorative flamingos randomly stationed midstream as they double as an unpaid ferry service. However, cats holding umbrellas in their paddles denote charitable cats, thus avoid unless yearning for hilariously mystical feline levitation.